FIRST – A QUICK REVIEW: The Missing Links project will connect Prospect Hill/Dummerston trails with the extensive trail system on Putney Mountain and the Pinnacle ridgeline, all the way to Grafton. In the beginning the plan, better called a dream, seemed too good to be true — but it is happening!  The route wends its way through the landscape shown in the photograph above; its execution requires the purchase of two parcels of forested land on opposite sides of the discontinued section of Hague Road, combined with easements and trail licenses donated by five neighboring land-owners.  The purchased parcels will be conserved, and accessible for future generations.  North of Hague Road parts of the new trail have already been designed by master trail artist Roger Haydock.  Richard Fletcher and trail crew are now out with loppers and chain saws clearing the route Roger has flagged.  Extending the trail south requires raising the last funds needed to purchase the second property.

Missing Links was sparked by Dummerston volunteers who found a solid partner in the Putney Mountain Association, with its proven history of local land conservation and fund-raising.     The challenge was substantial but the outcome seems ALMOST sure to be successful.    Neighbors, friends, foundations and PMA members have contributed generously.  One parcel of land is already purchased, free and clear…and the second is ALMOST ready to be transferred.

AND NOW THE INVITATION:  only the last $9,500 is missing to make that final purchase! This letter invites you to join in, to help keep our Vermont landscape available for recreation and inner sustenance, and to keep it open for the many kinds of wildlife who make it their home.

In normal times we would invite you to explore these places, to see for yourself the reasons to keep them open for future generations.  Since group events are currently limited, we offer a virtual alternative; on your computer, phone or I-pad, go to the website shown below.

Contributions can be mailed to Putney Mountain Association, Missing Links Projects, PO Box 953, Putney, VT 05346 or can be made online at Want to help build the trails? Join the trail crew by contacting Richard Fletcher,, 802-387-6017

We can forge this missing link!